Nos dias 8 a 12 de novembro a nossa escola foi a anfitriã da 2ª mobilidade, no âmbito do Projeto Erasmus+, Let’s Visit My Hometown, integrando os alunos e professores provenientes da Polónia, Grécia e Itália. No decurso da semana, dedicada ao estudo da cultura e à partilha de realidades distintas de cada país, todos os participantes tiveram oportunidade de conhecer a nossa escola e os projetos aqui desenvolvidos.
Partilharam-se os trabalhos elaborados por cada escola nos meses anteriores e envolveram-se os participantes em atividades diversas e workshops criativos onde cada um pode desenvolver a vertente artística (workshop de azulejos), culinária (workshop de Francesinhas) e expandir os seus conhecimentos (Formação ETwinning).
As tradições culturais e as músicas populares também não foram esquecidas, os alunos não só cantaram como encantaram toda a plateia!!!
A visita às cidades de Vila Nova de Gaia e Porto foi também um momento de grande expetativa e contentamento. As duas cidades, ligadas pelas suas imponentes pontes, abraçaram os nossos visitantes cativando-os pela autenticidade e simpatia das suas gentes.
Esta mobilidade proporcionou uma experiência singular. Para além de promover a partilha de boas práticas entre os alunos e professores, contribuiu também para o entrelaçar da história e das culturas e, desta forma, reforçar o sentido crítico de cidadania europeia.
A todos os participantes, alunos, professores, direção da escola, assistentes operacionais e administrativos, entidades municipais e outras, queremos deixar um caloroso “Obrigado!”.
Testemunhos dos alunos (9ºC) sobre o tempo que passaram no projeto Erasmus+, Let´s Visit My Hometown:
I was supposed to talk about the time I spent with you. It happens that I cannot mention everything. I really loved meeting you, sharing experiences, laughing and above all, getting to know you the best that I could. It is a pleasure to be a part of this project and to be able to create these wonderful memories with all of you. But there are some of them that I can call my favourites: like the first day that we had together, or the time we painted those tiles (you were all very good at it). I loved the fact that even when we didn’t understand each other we found a way to communicate.
I’m really sad that the end of this experience has come. I just wish we had more time. I don’t know if I will ever see you again. I really hope so. But if I don’t, I just want to say that you are all amazing and all of you were very kind, and tried to connect to us.
Bia Duro
For me Erasmus is a nice project because we had the opportunity to meet new people with cultures different from ours.
I did not spend much time with you, but I really enjoyed the time I did. My friends shared with me their experiences with you and I wished I had been there. So today is my first and last day with you. I really liked meeting you.
Bruna Moreira
Hello everyone!
For me, Erasmus is a brilliant project. I enjoyed meeting new people from other countries.
I liked eating your food, it was a really interesting experience. I got to know your cultures and languages
I loved this week and I hope to see you again.
Henrique Silva
This week is not over yet but it has been great. I had the opportunity to meet new people, get to know new languages, new cultures and even new food. I don’t think I my English and knowledge would have evolved so much if this hadn’t happened. Unfortunately, this was not possible last year. Fortunately, this year it was accomplished and we ended up here enjoying this unforgettable experience. I spent enough time to know that these students are not that different from me and my friends. What I mean is that this invisible barrier that exists between us should not exist because we are just kids who speak different languages. And the last thing I understood is that we all have something to teach each other. For example, if we both have a characteristic handshake in our countries, we can teach each other, the same applies to music, or dances or even just words, that can have a controversial meaning.
Well, that’s what I learned during this week, and I hope that when my friends and I leave for your countries we will learn much more.
Lara Oliveira