Durante a semana de 15 a 19 de janeiro de 2024, o Projeto de Mobilidade Internacional proporcionou uma experiência enriquecedora a oito alunos da nossa escola. A cidade escolhida para essa mobilidade foi Geldern, na Alemanha, um cenário que se revelou inspirador para o desenvolvimento cultural e educacional dos jovens.
A partida, marcada para o dia 14, foi um momento de entusiasmo e nervosismo para os participantes, que têm entre 15 e 16 anos. O regresso à terra natal ocorreu no dia 20, encerrando uma semana repleta de aprendizagens únicas e momentos inesquecíveis.
O grupo era composto por seis raparigas e dois rapazes, sendo que cinco alunos frequentam o 9º ano e os restantes três estão no 10º ano. A diversidade de idades e percursos académicos contribuíram para uma dinâmica enriquecedora, promovendo a partilha de conhecimentos e experiências.
À medida que os alunos retomam as suas vidas diárias, espera-se que o impacto desta viagem ressoe. Dotados de uma compreensão mais profunda das práticas sustentáveis e da consciência cultural, estão preparados para se tornarem defensores da responsabilidade ambiental. As sementes do pensamento crítico e da ecoconsciência plantadas durante esta excursão provavelmente se transformarão num compromisso em promover a sustentabilidade entre colegas e membros da família.
Em conclusão, a viagem de estudo a Geldern tornou-se não apenas uma jornada através do tempo e da cultura, mas também uma plataforma para aprendizagem imersiva sobre sustentabilidade. Apesar dos percalços iniciais, os alunos abraçaram as experiências, formando memórias duradouras e adquirindo perspectivas que, sem dúvida, moldaram as suas visões sobre uma vida responsável e a interligação global.
The trip was an opportunity to experience a new country and its customs and cultures, even though I found some things strange. I was very well received by my German colleague, and we enjoyed sharing our cultures and customs. I learned more about sustainability in Germany, but I think I could have had more time to explore the cities. The organization should have been better. I also learned to be more independent and faced new customs that I found a little strange.
Our expectations were high from the moment we were invited to this unique experience. We knew it would be an unforgettable adventure that would allow us to experience a culture completely different from our own. Initially, we were a little apprehensive, but we faced the fear of cultural differences with an open mind and embraced the experience by always looking on the bright side.
Before we arrived at our host family, there were a few plane delays, which made us increasingly anxious to meet our exchange partners.
We ended up feeling like part of the family. They did everything they could to make us feel included in family activities and went above and beyond to ensure we had a great stay.While we were together, we learned about the similarities and differences between our cultures and theirs, between our education systems and theirs, and about various festivals.
In addition to learning about their culture, we also learned about the different ways in which sustainability can be integrated into our lives and how we can apply it in our daily routines. We also took a few group trips to nearby cities, such as Cologne, which was our favourite destination. Experiencing the grandeur and beauty of the city was priceless, and visiting the virtual time ride and the Chocolate Museum while learning more about the reason for our visit – sustainability – was enriching. All these days were incredible, but the highlight was undoubtedly the snow, with many snowball fights being the highlight. These battles and games will remain etched in our minds as unforgettable memories.
Despite our enjoyment of the trip, we agree that it could have been much better organised. There were days when we spent hours without access to a toilet, food, or water, and we visited very few places, ate hardly any traditional German food, and barely had time to buy souvenirs. Despite these drawbacks, the trip allowed us to experience a new country and its customs and cultures, and we were warmly welcomed by our German colleagues with whom we shared unforgettable experiences.
During the trip, we learned a great deal about sustainability in Germany, and we also learned to be more independent and self-sufficient.
Inês Reis 10ºA, Nádia Sousa 10ºA, David Cruz 10ºB
Our Erasmus experience was amazing. We had so much fun with everyone, and the activities were really enjoyable and entertaining. We
particularly enjoyed the fish-making workshop and the visit to the Netherlands was genuinely interesting. The city of Cologne, in particular, captured our hearts. It was beautiful, and I believe all the Portuguese students thoroughly enjoyed the city and want to return. We are eagerly looking forward to reconnecting with the German students and creating new experiences together. The memories we formed in this program will remain in our hearts forever, making it something to cherish throughout our lives.
This program offers numerous benefits, such as meeting new people, exploring different countries, and learning about diverse cultures.
With that in mind, we wholeheartedly recommend this experience to everyone.
Lara Silva – 9ºB
Mafalda Sousa – 9ºD
Sofia Granja – 9ºD
Na semana que passámos em Geldern, na Alemanha, tivemos a oportunidade de vivenciar diversas atividades distintas. Destacamos, por exemplo, a visita guiada a Nijmegen, nos Países Baixos, e a ida a Colónia, onde explorámos o museu de chocolate e viajámos no tempo através da realidade virtual até ao Carnaval de Cologne de 1926. Participámos também num workshop em Kleve sobre materiais reutilizáveis e desfrutámos de uma visita guiada a uma fábrica em Lünen.
Durante esta semana, partilhámos o quotidiano com famílias alemãs que nos receberam de forma amigável e calorosa. Tivemos contacto com realidades e tradições diferentes das nossas habituais, saboreando pratos tradicionais como schnitzel, sauerkraut, entre outros. Fomos agraciados com uma temperatura amena e uma quantidade generosa de neve. Dado que a visão de neve não é algo que se repita todos os dias, decidimos criar bolas de neve e lançá-las uns aos outros, inclusive aos professores. Vivemos momentos agradáveis na companhia dos espanhóis de Maiorca e de outros alemães da escola anfitriã.
9º C
Beatriz Pinto
José Miguel Fernandes